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Hot Rod Refinishing covers the skills necessary to complete truly amazing high quality paint jobs. Students will gain valuable experience from lecture and extensive lab (hands-on) opportunities. Students’ educational competencies will begin by learning the ever important process of correctly applying and sanding automotive body filler. From paint removal, panel prep, sand paper selection to proper sanding techniques the students will study today’s best practices in the field of automotive refinishing. The training continues with the application of primer, paint, and clear top coats, with the appropriate sanding and masking steps in-between. Fiberglass bodies, fixed and movable glass replacement, and bolt on panel alignment topics are all discussed throughout the class. Students will examine the hazardous materials and safety concerns that professional painters deal with on a regular basis including spray gun selection, paint booth requirements, and proper paint mixing procedures. Common paint problems and solutions are discussed including lifting, fish-eyes, orange peel, and color matching. Student will practice skills in final paint details like color sanding and buffing. Air brush and pin stripping basics are explored as students try their hand at custom paint and graphics application. Live work can include any of the topics above, depending on the skills of the student and the student projects in the shop. Students are required to keep an hourly work log and document their work with pictures for portfolio development.
Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to:
-Understand the Hot Rod and Specialty Automotive Industry
-Demonstrate the proper procedure of removal, installation, and alignment of automotive bolt on panels, including fenders, doors, hoods, and trunks
-Describe and demonstrate proper procedure for stripping and preparing a panel for refinishing process
-Demonstrate proper process of applying and sanding of plastic body fillers
-Have a good working knowledge of potential hazardous materials and safety concerns in the automotive refinishing industry
-Demonstrate proper HVLP spray gun setup and theory
-Have a good working knowledge of the spray booth types and operation
-Demonstrate proper masking procedures
-Describe the differences in automotive primers and demonstrate proper application and sanding procedures
-Have a good working knowledge paint chemistry and mixing procedures for base coat top coat material
-Perform basic custom paint techniques using the pin striping and air brush
-Describe the use of fiberglass in the specialty automotive industry and the process of application and repair
-Recognize paint problems and solutions
-Have a good working knowledge of stationary and movable glass replacement
-Demonstrate the proper procedure for final wet sanding, buffing, and polishing of painted surfaces
-Demonstrate final detailing process for customer delivery
-Set daily and long-term goals and work diligently to attain them
-Properly log completed work hourly for the purpose of documentation and customer invoices
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